Books about Lifeskills - condensed for your pleasure

So many great books out there with loads of content that we could use to make our lives easier and help us to live smarter and with more joy, but WHO has time to read them? I glean the jewels - so that you can take the best for YOU and leave the rest! Let's get started!

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Lifeskills #1 - Boundaries

Our first LIFESKILL is one that is obviously necessary but not so easy to implement - BOUNDARIES. Since the days of our youth, we have been taught by our families of origin and others close to us that either it is OK or it is NOT OK to set boundaries for ourselves. We use these "rules" that we learned years ago in our everyday lives, and it is AMAZING the impact these rules have on the shape and feel of all our relationships, both casual and intimate! Henry Cloud is, to me, an "expert" on boundaries. I love his various writings and listen to his audios often to remind myself of what are appropriate and inappropriate boundaries. We will touch on the high points of Boundaries in the coming days. I have found it's advice well worth taking . . .

Love to you all!


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