Books about Lifeskills - condensed for your pleasure

So many great books out there with loads of content that we could use to make our lives easier and help us to live smarter and with more joy, but WHO has time to read them? I glean the jewels - so that you can take the best for YOU and leave the rest! Let's get started!

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where's my map?

Good afternoon wonderful world! This blog happens to be my answer to the most intriguing question I can think of. Where's the playbook for my freakin' life? When I come to a fork in the road, where's the bleepin' map? It's always in someone else's glovebox!

Well, this will be our GLOVEBOX. We will make maps of our own, using the wisdom of those who have gone before us. Happiness to you, my lovely friends. After this gets rollin' we will all feel a little more under control with the decisions of life - so sit back and relax. Stay tuned.


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